Media & Journalism Trends & Opinion

media & journalismHere’s a set of media and journalism resources, blogs and websites that PR people will find interesting. We’ve collected a range of thoughtful writers, voices and opinions on trends in journalism, developments in online news and media innovations to help communications  and public relations people be better informed in the future.

So, stay tuned as we track the future of news media and journalism through these thinkers and pundits. Other media resources you’ll find useful include Big Media Links, Media Lists & Resources and Online News Sources. The PR Coach’s blog  This Just In… will also keep you current twice a week. Sites with a W are PR Coach “winners.”

13 Expensive Niche Magazines That Are Still Surviving In Print 
Surprisingly, these mags are thriving.

91 Journalism Blogs and Websites You Will Love
Jeremy Porter assembles of valuable list of journalism resources for those looking for thoughtful voices and opinions on trends and the future of media and journalism.   W

Americans Spending More Time Following the News: Ideological News Sources: Who Watches and Why
Superb look at future news directions.  W

BBC Quietly Leading the Net TV Revolution
Media landscape quickly changing.

Brand & Media Content Gardens Augment Revenues By Monetizing Social Networks
How The Wall Street Journal does social media.

CNN’s Research Says 27% of Us Share 87% of News Links
Interesting analysis of news and social media.

CTV News Quebec City Bureau Chief Quits Job in 3,000-word Essay
Resigning with a bang and a pointed critique of what’s wrong with TV news today.

Distrust In Media Hits Record High
57% now distrust the media. What happened?

Evolving Newsroom
Julie Starr writes about the evolving news and journalism business.

Hacking the News: Public Interest, Propaganda, or Sensationalism? 
An excellent look inside news “values.”

International Press Institute
Take a look at the state of press freedom around the world.

Journalism’s Slow, Sad Suicide
Dan Gillmor challenges the idea that bloggers created journalism’s decline, but rather technology.

Just Two in Five Americans Read Newspaper Daily
AdWeek Media/Harris poll tracks declining print daily readership.
Former Globe and Mail media, technology, business and web columnist continues his valuable insights.

Dan Gillmor creates a user’s guide to democratized media.

Media Blunders in 2009 lists the top media blunders of 2009 and there were some good ones!   W

New Media? Everything New is Old Again
Use thoughtful perspective on new media acquiring experienced journalists.

Matt Thompson blogs about using the web to bring context to journalism or in his words “time to stop breaking the news and start fixing it.”

“Originality” behind a 40% increase in’s traffic
Good content marketing strategy results in traffic.

Though there are no recent posts, NYU’s Jay Rosen covers journalism, journalists and new directions for the craft.

Reuters productizes social media through Social Pulse
Interesting new Reuters curation tool.

State of the Media 2011 Adapting, Surviving and Reviving
Vocus study is valuable PR reading.  W

Study: Fox News Viewers are the Most Misinformed
Fascinating study. Surprised?

The Future of Social Media in Journalism
Old media will simply become social media.

The Journalists Formerly Known as the Media: My Advice to the Next Generation
Superb Jay Rosen post. Valuable insight!  W

The Most Popular News Sites on YouTube
Excellent report looks at news sites on YouTube. AP leads.

The Twitter Effect: How Social Media Changes the News Narrative 
Superb article by Devin Harner and his insight into the impact of Twitter on the news.  W

There is No New Revenue Model for Journalism
Robert Niles looks at the only three ways publishers can earn revenue from content.

What Does New Technology Mean for Journalism?
Here’s a thoughtful reflection on change and its impact on journalism.
