Public Relations Bookstore

PR Bookstore

The PR Coach’s PR Bookstore is loaded with more than 230 great titles for public relations and communications professionals. Every month, we feature new PR book releases and popular titles in every public relations niche from the PR profession, crisis communications, media relations and media training to internal communications, social media, strategic PR and writing. And if you like what you see, we’ve made it easy to click-through and buy your favorite title through the friendly folks at Amazon. Good reading!

IN FOCUS – PR Books of the Month

Brand PsychologyBrand Psychology: Consumer Perceptions, Corporate Reputations
Why do why certain brands command our loyalty and trust? In Brand Psychology Jonathan Gabay looks at how to build up a positive brand image through corporate social responsibility and ethical transparency. This book is an in-depth reference guide and complete with valuable, current case studies.

 Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire
Paul Smith tells great stories. He also teaches how to tell great stories. That’s the magic of this book. It will appeal to leaders looking for leadership messages as well as PR pros and content marketers. Not just how-tos but also a collection of tales to learn from and enjoy.

Content Strategy for the Web, 2nd Edition
No question PR pros need to get familiar and practiced in the art of content marketing. No better way than the new 2nd edition by Kristina Halvorson and Melissa Rach. Highly rated, practical and accessible without losing the importance of strategy as a foundation for content marketing success. Must-read!

Spin! How the News Media Misinform and Why Consumers Misunderstand
Bob Conrad says they’re biased, error-prone, misleading and, on occasion, devious or even liars. No, he’s not referring to public relations people. He’s talking about the news media. His book is a thought-provoking look at media bias and challenges for news readers, audiences and PR pros alike.

PRoactive: The Public Relations Job Hunter’s Guide
Seriously looking for a PR job? Get PRoactive – the new book by Jeff Domansky, aka The PR Coach. It’s loaded with valuable PR job strategies & practical tips on search tools, social networking, public relations resumes & portfolios, best PR jobs websites and much more. (Oct 2011)

Curation Nation: How to Win in a World Where Consumers are Creators
Curious about curation? Steven Rosenbaum explains the important role curation plays in a world of information overload. He explores going beyond simple aggregation by talking to thinkers from media, advertising, publishing, business and web technology. This book is valuable reading for bloggers, PR pros and marketers knowledgeable about content marketing and looking to stand out from a noisy, often irrelevant internet.

Welcome to the Fifth Estate Geoff Livingstone takes a close look at the impact and influence of the Fifth Estate or social media. He offers tips and strategies on navigating social media for PR strategists, business communicators, community managers, marketers  and anyone trying to thrive and survive in the new media world where it’s less mass media than media by the masses.

The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success is a best seller, designed to help corporate, small business, and non-profits use social media to reach audiences with powerful messages and efficiency. In this Second Edition, each of the three parts – Tactics, Tools, and Strategies – have been updated to reflect the most current social media trends.

Another new PR Book of the Month is Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans. Former insurance industry insider and PR executive Wendell Potter blows the whistle and exposes PR pros’ propaganda tricks–fake grass-roots organizations, bogus scientific studies–and expresses regret for his role.

Potter also points to the failure of America’s for-profit health-insurance system: their underhanded methods to “dump the sick”; skyrocketing premiums and deductibles that put health care beyond the reach of millions; and the obscene salaries executives rake in while denying benefits to patients.

Real Time Marketing & PR

Our 2nd public relations Book of the Month is Real-Time Marketing and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your Business Now Written by David Meerman Scott, it’s a fresh look at the decade’s new marketing challenges.

He reveals the practical steps to take your business into the real-time era. Find out how to act and react flexibly as events occur, position your brand in the always-on world of the Web, and avoid embarrassing mistakes and missteps. What counts today is speed and agility. While your competitors scramble to adjust, you can seize the initiative, open new channels, and grow your brand in real-time.

Featured PR Books

This month we feature leading books on social media of interest to communication and public relations professionals from prominent writers like Brian Solis, David Henderson, David Meerman Scott, Paul Gillin and more.

How to REALLY use LinkedIn by Jan Vermeiren (2009)

Making News in the Digital Era by David Henderson (2009)

Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success by Dan Schawbel (2009)

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How Social Media Is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR by Brian Solis, Deirdre Breakenridge (2009)

The Digital Handshake: Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media by Paul Chaney (2009)

The Twitter Book by Tim O’Reilly, Sarah Milstein (2009)

The Facebook Era: Tapping Online Social Networks to Build Better Products, Reach New Audiences, and Sell More Stuff by Clara Shih (2009)

Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust by Chris Brogan, (2009)

Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods by Shel Israel (2009)

World Wide Rave: Creating Triggers that Get Millions of People to Spread Your Ideas and Share Your Stories by David Meerman Scott (2009)


Managing a Public Relations Firm for Growth And Profit by Al Croft (2006)

Start Your Own Public Relations Business by Jacquelyn Lynn (2009)


Blogging For Dummies (For Dummies series) by Susannah Gardner, Shane Birley (2008)

Blogwild!: A Guide for Small Business Blogging by Andy Wibbels (2006)

Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read by Scott McNulty (2008)

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income by Darren Rowse, Chris Garrett (2008)

Publish and Prosper: Blogging for Your Business by DL Byron, Steve Broback (2006)

Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging by John Cass (2007)

The Corporate Blogging Book: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know to Get It Right by Debbie Weil (2006)

WordPress For Dummies by Lisa Sabin-Wilson (2009)

Corporate Communications

Corporate Communication by Paul Argenti (2009)

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice by Dr Joep Cornelissen (2008)

Corporate Public Affairs: Interacting With Interest Groups, Media, And Government (Lea’s Communication Series) by Otto Lerbinger (2005)

Corporate Reputation: 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering Reputation by Leslie Gaines-Ross (2008)

Essentials of Corporate Communication by Cees Van Riel (2007)

Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication (2nd edition) by John Doorley, Helio Fred Garcia (2010)

The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation: Creating, Protecting, and Repairing Your Most Valuable Asset by Ronald Alsop (2004)

Crisis Communications

Communicating In A Crisis: A guide for management by Rene Henry (2008)

Crisis Communication: Practical PR Strategies for Reputation Management and Company Survival by Peter Anthonissen (2008)

Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach (Lea’s Communication) by Kathleen Fearn-Banks (2007)

Crisis Management by Apology: Corporate Responses to Allegations of Wrongdoing (Lea’s Communication Series) by Keith Michael Hearit (2005)

Crisis Management in a Complex World by Dawn Gilpin, Priscilla Murphy (2008)

Crisis Management: Mastering the Skills to Prevent Disasters (Harvard Business Essentials) by Harvard Business Essentials (2004)

Damage Control: How to Get the Upper Hand When Your Business Is Under Attack by Eric Dezenhall, John Weber (2008)

Damage Control: Why Everything You Know About Crisis Management Is Wrong by Eric Dezenhall, John Weber (2007)

Effective Crisis Communication: Moving From Crisis to Opportunity by Robert Ray Ulmer, Dr Timothy Selnow, Dr Matthew Seeger (2006)

Managing Crises Before They Happen: What Every Executive and Manager Needs to Know about Crisis Management by Ian Mitroff, Gus Anagnos (2005)

Never Say Never: The Complete Executive Guide to Crisis Management (Brick Tower Press Financial Guide) by Len Biegel (2008)

New Strategies for Reputation Management: Gaining Control of Issues, Crises and Corporate Social Responsibility by Andrew Griffin (2009)

Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding (2nd edition) by W Timothy Coombs (2007)

Risk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations: A Casebook of Best Practice (PR in Practice) by Michael Regester, Judy Larkin (2008)

The PR Crisis Bible: How to Take Charge of the Media When All Hell Breaks Loose by Robin Cohn (2008)

What Were They Thinking?: Crisis Communication — the Good, the Bad, and the Totally Clueless by Steve Adubato (2008)

When the Balloon Goes Up: The Communicator’s Guide to Crisis Response by Bob Roemer (2007)

Internal Communications

73 Ways to Improve Your Employee Communication Program by Jane Shannon (2002)

Best Practices in Employee Communication: A Study of Global Challenges and Approaches by Michelle Mahony, Jamen Graves, Christie Gay (2005)

Effective Internal Communication (PR in Practice) by Lyn Smith (2008)


Crowd Surfing: Surviving and Thriving in the Age of Consumer Empowerment by Martin Thomas, David Brain (2009)

Event Planning Made Easy by Paulette Wolf, Jodi Wolf, Donielle Levine (2005)

Full Frontal PR: Building Buzz About Your Business, Your Product, or You by Richard Laermer (2004)

Get Content Get Customers: Turn Prospects into Buyers with Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi, Newt Barrett (2009)

Made Possible By: Succeeding with Sponsorship by Patricia Martin (2008)

Marketing Communications by John Egan (2007)

Punk Marketing: Get Off Your Ass and Join the Revolution by Richard Laermer, Mark Simmons (2009)

Sports Publicity: A Practical Approach (Sport Management in Practice) by Joseph Favorito (2007)

The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning : With Companion CD-ROM by Shannon Kilkenny (2007)

The Marketer’s Guide to Public Relations in the 21st Century by Thomas Harris, Patricia Whalen (2006)

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly by David Meerman Scott (2008)

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin (2008)

Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking, Revised Edition by Andy Sernovitz (2009)


Life in the Wrong Lane by Gregg Dobbs (2009)

Media Relations/Publicity

6 Steps to Free Publicity: “For Corporate Publicists or Solo Professionals, Including…Publishers, Consultants, Conference Planners, Politicians, Inventors by Marcia Yudkin (2008)

Building Buzz: How To Reach And Impress Your Target Audience by Marisa D’Vari (2004)

Complete Publicity Plans: How to Create Publicity That Will Spark Media Exposure and Excitement (Adams Streetwise Series) by Sandra Beckwith (2003)

Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz: How to Attract Massive Attention for Your Business, Your Product, or Yourself by David Seaman (2008)

Do-It-Yourself Publicity: For Those Too Cheap or Too Broke to Hire a Publicist by Phyllis Caddell (2006)

Guerrilla P.R. 2.0: Wage an Effective Publicity Campaign without Going Broke by Michael Levine (2008)

How Come No One Knows About Us? The Ultimate Public Relations Guide: Tactics Anyone Can Use to Win High Visibility by Robert Deigh (2008)

How to be Your Own Publicist by Jessica Hatchigan (2002)

How to Manage a Successful Press Conference by Ralf Leinemann, Elena Baikaltseva (2006)

I See Your Name Everywhere: Leverage the Power of the Media to Grow Your Fame, Wealth and Success by Pam Lontos, Andrea Brunais, Rick Frishman (2008)

Making News: A Straight-Shooting Guide to Media Relations by David Henderson (2006)

Making the News: An Essential Guide for Effective Media Relations by John Longhurst (2006)

Media Relations by Richard Stanton (2007)

Media Relations: From a Journalist’s Perspective by David Henderson (2005)

Media Relations Handbook: For Agencies, Associations, Nonprofits And Congress (Communication Series) by Brad Fitch, Mike McCurry (2004)

Media Relations: Issues and Strategies by Jane Johnston (2008)

On Deadline: Managing Media Relations by Carole Howard, Wilma Mathews (2006)

Perfecting the Pitch: Creating Publicity Through Media Rapport by Benjamin Lewis (2007)

The Confessions of an Ink-Stained Wretch: An Insider’s Secrets to Getting Press by John Persinos (2006)

Where’s My Fifteen Minutes?: Get Your Company, Your Cause, or Yourself the Recognition You Deserve by Howard Bragman (2008)

Media Training

And the Incorrect Answer Is: “No Comment” by Ron Palmer, Mike McCarthy (2005)

Beyond No Comment: Speaking with the Press as a Police Officer by Patrick Morley (2009)

Can I Quote You on That?: A Practical Handbook for Company Executives Who Deal with the Media by William Essex (2006)

Courting the Media: Public Relations for the Accused and the Accuser by Margaret Mackenzie (2006)

Interview Tactics: How To Survive The Media Without Getting Clobbered! The Insider’s Guide To Giving A Killer Interview! by Gayl Murphy (2002)

Keeping Cool on the Hot Seat: Dealing Effectively with the Media in Times of Crisis by Judith Hoffman (2008)

Keeping the Wolves at Bay: A Media Training Manual Version 3.0 by Jonathan Bernstein (2007)

Lipstick on a Pig: Winning In the No-Spin Era by Someone Who Knows the Game by Torie Clarke (2006)

Making the News: A Guide for Activists and Nonprofits by Jason Salzman (2003)

Making Your Point: Communicating Effectively with Audiences of One to One Million by David Bartlett (2008)

Manage the Media: Don’t Let the Media Manage You (Memo to the CEO) by William Holsteing (2008)

Media Training A-Z by TJ Walker, Jess Todtfeld (2008)

Media Training 101: A Guide to Meeting the Press by Sally Stewart (2003)

Never Say “No Comment” by Ian Taylor, George Olds (2003)

The Media Savvy Leader: Visibility, Influence, and Results in a Competitive World by David Henderson (2009)

Tough Questions — Good Answers: Taking Control of Any Interview (Capital Business & Professional Development Series) by Thomas Calcagni (2007)

Winning with the News Media: A Self-Defense Manual When You’re the Story, 2005 (8th Edition) by Clarence Jones (2004)


Publicity for Nonprofits: Generating Media Exposure That Leads to Awareness, Growth, and Contributions by Sandra Beckwith (2006)

Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes by Katya Andresen (2006)

Strategic Communications for Nonprofits: A Step-by-Step Guide to Working with the Media (The Jossey-Bass Nonprofit Guidebook Series) by Kathy Bonk, Emily Tynes, Henry Griggs, Phil Sparks (2008)

Strategic Communications for Nonprofit Organization: Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Plan by Sally Patterson, Jane Radtke (2009)

The Public Relations Handbook for Nonprofits: A Comprehensive and Practical Guide by Art Feinglass (2005)

Online PR

I Need a Killer Press Release–Now What???: A Guide to Online PR by Janet Meiners Taylor (2009)

PR Research & Media Monitoring 

Evaluating Public Relations: A Best Practice Guide to Public Relations Planning, Research and Evaluation (PR in Practice) by Paul Noble, Tom Watson (2007)

Measuring Public Relationships: The Data-Driven Communicator’s Guide to Success by Katie Delahaye Paine (2007)

Primer of Public Relations Research by Dr Don W Stacks (2002)

Radically Transparent: Monitoring and Managing Reputations Online by Andy Beal, Judy Strauss (2008)

Public Relations

A Century of Spin: How Public Relations Became the Cutting Edge of Corporate Power by William Dinan, David Miller (2007)

Can We Do That?! Outrageous PR Stunts That Work–And Why Your Company Needs Them by Peter Shankman (2006)

Cutlip and Center’s Effective Public Relations (10th Edition) by Glen Broom (2008)

Ethics in Public Relations: A Guide to Best Practice (PR in Practice) by Patricia Parsons (2007)

How To Thrive in the Public Relations Business by Robert Kornecki (2007)

Inside Spin: The Dark Underbelly of the PR Industry by Bob Burton (2008)

Inside the Minds: Public Relations Best Practices–Industry Insiders Offer Proven Tips for the Most Effective Communications Strategies by Kari Russ, Matt Wickenheiser (2005)

PR on a Budget: Free, Cheap, and Worth the Money Strategies for Getting Noticed by Leonard Saffir (2006)

PR Therapy: Ignite Your Passion for Promoting Your Products, Services, and Even Yourself! (Books To Build Your Career By) by Robin Blakely (2009)

Preparing For APR Success: A Step-By-Step Study Guide by Mara Woloshin (2008)

Public Affairs in Practice: A Practical Guide to Lobbying (PR in Practice) by Stuart Thompson, Steve John, George Mitchell (2007)

Public Relations Disasters: Talespin–Inside Stories and Lessons Learnt by Gerry McCusker (2006)

Public Relations For Dummies by Eric Yaverbaum, Ilise Benun (2006)

Public Relations Made Easy by Roscoe Barnes (2007)

The New PR: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the Face of Public Relations by Phil Hall (2007)

The The PR Buzz Factor: How Using Public Relations Can Boost Your Business by Russell Lawson (2006)

The Practice of Public Relations (10th Edition) by Fraser Seitel (2006)

The Public Relations Practitioner’s Playbook: A Synergized Approach to Effective Two-Way Communication by Larry Litwin (2008)

Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy by William Dinan, David Miller (2007)

This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations (with InfoTrac®) by Doug Newsom, Judy Turk, Dean Kruckeberg (2009)

Unleashing the Power of PR: A Contrarian’s Guide to Marketing and Communication (J-B International Association of Business Communicators) by Mark Weiner (2006)

Public Speaking

10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Business Communicators by Carmine Gallo (2005)

Confessions of a Public Speaker by Scott Berkun (2009)

Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition by Kerry Patterson (2011)

Fire Them Up!: 7 Simple Secrets to Inspire Colleagues, Customers, and Clients; Sell Yourself, Your Vision, and Your Values; Communicate with Charisma and Confidence by Carmine Gallo (2007)

In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions…When It Counts by Jerry Weissman (2005)

In The SpotLight, Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Performing by Janet Esposito (2005)

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip and Dan Heath (2007)

Pocket Guide to Public Speaking by William Pfeiffer (2001)

Present Like a Pro: The Field Guide to Mastering the Art of Business, Professional, and Public Speaking by Cyndi Maxey, Kevin O’Connor (2006)

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience by Carmine Gallo (2009)

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery by Garr Reynolds (2008)

Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte (2010)

slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations by Nancy Duarte (2008)

Speak Like a CEO: Secrets for Commanding Attention and Getting Results: Secrets for Communicating Attention and Getting Results by Suzanne Bates (2005)

The Confident Speaker: Beat Your Nerves and Communicate at Your Best in Any Situation by Harrison Monarth, Larina Kase (2007)

The Confident Speaker: Beat Your Nerves and Communicate at Your Best in Any Situation by Timothy Koegel (2007)

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience by Carmine Gallo (2009)

Social Media

A Survival Guide to Social Media and Web 2.0 Optimization: Strategies, Tactics, and Tools for Succeeding in the Social Web by Deltina Hay (2009)

Blogging and Other Social Media by Alex Newson, Deryck Houghton, Justin Patten (2008)

Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies by Charlene Li, Josh Bernoff (2008)

I’m on LinkedIn–Now What??? (Second Edition): A Guide to Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn by Jason Alba (2009)

Now Is Gone: A Primer on New Media for Executives and Entrepreneurs by Brian Solis, Geoff Livingstone (2007)

PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences by Dierdre Breakenridge (2008)

Radically Transparent: Monitoring & Managing Reputations Online by Andy Beal & Judy Strauss (2008)

Secrets of Social Media Marketing: How to Use Online Conversations and Customer Communities to Turbo-Charge Your Business! by Paul Gillin (2008)

SocialCorp: Social Media Goes Corporate by Joel Postman (2008)

Social Media Is A Cocktail Party: Why You Already Know The Rules Of Social Media Marketing by Jim Tobin, Lisa Braziel (2008)

Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day by Dave Evans, Susan Bratton (2008)

The New Influencers: A Marketer’s Guide to the New Social Media (Books To Build Your Career By) by Paul Gillin (2009)

The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success by Lon Safko, David Brake (2009)

The Whuffie Factor: Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your Business by Tara Hunt (2009)

Twitter means business: how microblogging can help or hurt your company by Julio Ojeda-Zapata (2008)

Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time by Joel Comm (2009)

Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods by Shel Israel (2009)

Web Analytics: An Hour a Day by Avinash Kaushik (2007)

YouTube for Business: Online Video Marketing for Any Business by Michael Miller (2008)

Strategic PR

2011: Trendspotting for the Next Decade by Richard Laermer (2008)

Developing the Public Relations Campaign: A Team-Based Approach (2nd edition) by Randy Bobbitt, Ruth Sullivan (2008)

Do the Right Thing: Pr Tips for a Skeptical Public by James Hoggan (2009)

PR Strategy and Application: Managing Influence by Timothy Coombs, Sherry Holloday (2009)

Press Releases Are Not a PR Strategy by Linda VandeVrede (2007)

Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics (9th Edition) by Dennis Wilcox, Glen Cameron (2008)

Strategic Communications Planning for Effective Publc Relations and Marketing by Laurie Wilson, Joseph Ogden (2008)

Strategic Planning for Public Relations by Ronald Smith (2009)

Strategic Public Relations Management: Planning and Managing Effective Communication Programs (LEA’s Communication Series) by Erica Weintraub Austin, Bruce Pinkleton (2006)

Why Should the Boss Listen to You: The Seven Disciplines of the Trusted Strategic Advisor by Jim Lukaszewski (2008)


Cashing In With Content: How Innovative Marketers Use Digital Information to Turn Browsers into Buyers by David Meerman Scott (2005)

I’ve Got a Domain Name–Now What???: A Practical Guide to Building a Website and Web Presence by Jean Bedord (2008)


Associated Press Stylebook 2009 (Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law) by Associated Press (2009)

Effective Writing Skills for Public Relations (PR in Practice) by John Foster (2008)

MediaWriting: Print, Broadcast, and Public Relations by W Ric Whitaker (2008)

Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques (6th Edition) by Dennis Wilcox (2009)

Public Relations Writing: Form & Style (with Errata Sheet) by Doug Newsom, Jim Haynes (2007)

Public Relations Writing: The Essentials of Style and Format by Thomas Bivins (2004)

Strategic Writing: Multimedia Writing for Public Relations, Advertising and More (2nd Edition) by Charles Marsh, David Guth, David Poovey Short (2007)

Student Workbook for Public Relations Writing: Principles in Practice by Donald Treadwell, Jill Treadwell (2005)

The PR Styleguide: Formats for Public Relations Practice (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication & Journalism) by Barbara Diggs-Brown, Jodi Glou (2006)

The Public Relations Writer’s Handbook: The Digital Age by Merry Aronson, Don Spetner, Carol Ames (2007)

The Web-Savvy Writer: Book Promotion With A High-Tech Twist, Second Edition by Patrice-Anne Rutledge (2008)

Wordsmithing: The Art & Craft of Writing for Public Relations (2nd Edition) by Ron Rhody, Carol Ann Hackley (2005)

Writing Effective News Releases: How To Get Free Publicity For Yourself, Your Business, Or Your Organization by Catherine McIntyre (2008)
