Journalism Writing & Resources
There are many fine journalism resources on the ‘net. We’ve highlighted a few of the best journalism writing resources of interest and help to PR people.
Things like writing a great lead or headline. How to create powerful feature stories, radio copy and TV writing. More about citizen journalism. Or just some of the journalism wordcraft tips and resources to sharpen your PR writing and deliver what the media need.
Other PR Coach resources you may find useful include Blogging & Public Relations, Blog Writing, News Release Writing Tips, Newsletter Writing Tips, PR Writing Tips & Tools and Web Writing Tips. Sites with a W are PR Coach “winners.”
10 Leads That Shout ‘Ugh!”‘
These leads are so trite, hackneyed and tired…zzzzz…
Advancing the Story
A blog about broadcast journalism in a multimedia world.
AP Style Tips for PR Writers
A very quick, useful guide to AP style from Nancy Edmonds Hanson.
BBC News
Often cited as the best online news site for its clear, sparse yet evocative writing. And it’s true. W
Beginning Reporting
This toolkit from Madison Commons has 17 lessons on every aspect of reporting including pre-writing, writing and rewriting. A superb resource. W W
Commentary, training and resources for those who write about business.
Copyblogger is Brian Clark’s superb blog on web writing. W W
Covering Communities
Insights, examples and exercises to help journalists and citizens cover local news.
Cyber Journalist
News and resources for the convergence of journalism and technology.
Deconstructing News Stories Into Tweets
David Brewer looks at the challenges of tweeting the news.
Flash Journalism Professional Examples
Excellent list of the best flash journalism websites.
How to Write a Human Interest Story
Just the facts on creating a good human interest story.
J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism helps citizens and journalists use digital technologies to further and strengthen community journalism. W
Provides journalism learning, tools and resources for communities and citizen journalists. W
Journalism Journeyman
JJ has a blog with journalism tips for all. It also features a complete list of current online journalism and communication programs.
Journalist’s Toolbox
This is a useful site with tools, resources and tips for writers of all stripes. W
Useful site with journalism career info and links to journalism study programs across the US.
Journalism Tools
The tools from are superb and include tools for citizen, print, TV, radio, online and international journalists; newsroom managers; journalism teachers and students. W
Journalists (Like Businesses) Must Adapt to New Media
What makes news online and how must journalists adapt to online media? Valeria Maltoni offers ideas. W
Knight Citizen News Network
This is a self-help portal designed by J-Lab. Its goal is to guide ordinary citizens and traditional journalists in responsible community news and online news reporting. Best of all are the extensive journalism learning tools. W W
Knight Digital Media Center
Lots of training tips, technology tools and resources.
Language Corner
Columbia Journalism Review’s Language Corner is a great place for wordsmiths to hang out. W
Media Helping Media
Covers what makes news, how to write a story intro and script, interviewing tips, fact checking, the public interest test and whether your journalism passes the ‘who says’ test. Excellent resources! W
NewsLab is an online resource center for radio and TV newsrooms.
News University
This Poynter Institute project has online journalism training in reporting, writing, editing, design, photojournalism and more. Some free courses and material with free registration. W
TV newswriter Abe Rosenberg shares TV news writing resources, articles, groaners and more. W
Nieman Storyboard
The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard showcases exceptional narrative journalism and how storytelling works in every medium. W
Newswriting for Radio
This site has many radio news writing resources from basics to different styles of writing for radio.
OJB: Online Journalism Blog
Follow developments in online journalism in OJB.
OJR: The Online Journalism Review
Dedicated to helping good journalism and good journalists thrive in the digital now.
PR Writer
Pr writer Kelle Campbell has an excellent set of PR writing resources. Check it out. W
Poynter Online
A terrific resource for journalism news, tips, blogs, resources and training. W
Regret the Error
Columbia Journalism Review’s column by Craig Silverman keeps an eye on journalism missteps. W
RGMP: Maintain and Update Your Skills
A series of 15 excellent posts on multimedia journalism by Mindy McAdams. W
Reynolds Center for Business Journalism – Best Practices
A rich resource for business writing tips and best practices for any writer. W
Society of Professional Journalists
Journalism training, resources and links.
The Elements of Online Storytelling
Examples and a framework for analyzing online stories according to five “elements”: media, action, relationship, context and communication.
Unraveling a Story
Best strategy? Answer the simple questions by following this simple step-by-step process.
Using Online Media Types
Here’s how to use various online media types most effectively.
“Why’s this so good?” No. 28: Vanessa Grigoriadis on Britney Spears
Powerful writing must-read. You’ll find many more at the excellent Nieman Storyboard.
YouTube Reporters’ Center
This YouTube site is designed for reporters and those interested in learning about journalism.
Photo credit: bitzi